



Reactive Queries

Libsql Support



By Oscar Franco

Freelancer, RN/Rust magic

Twitter YouTube • [Email](mailto:[email protected]?subject=I%20need%20a%20Freelancer)


Open your db

import {open} from '@op-engineering/op-sqlite'

const db = open({name: 'myDb.sqlite'})

// The db object contains the following methods:
db = {
  close: () => void,
  delete: () => void,
  attach: (dbNameToAttach: string, alias: string, location?: string) => void,
  detach: (alias: string) => void,
  transaction: (fn: (tx: Transaction) => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>,
  execute: (query: string, params?: any[]) => Promise<QueryResult>,
  executeWithHostObjects: (query: string, params?: any[]) => Promise<QueryResult>,
  executeBatch: (commands: SQLBatchTuple[]) => Promise<BatchQueryResult>,
  loadFile: (location: string) => Promise<FileLoadResult>,
  updateHook: (
    callback: ((params: {
      table: string;
      operation: UpdateHookOperation;
      row?: any;
      rowId: number;
    }) => void) | null
  ) => void,
  commitHook: (callback: (() => void) | null) => void,
  rollbackHook: (callback: (() => void) | null) => void.
  getDbPath: () => string
  moveAssetsDatabase: (name: string, extension: string) => Promise<void>

SQLCipher Open

If you are using SQLCipher all the methods are the same with the exception of the open method which needs an extra encryptionKey to encrypt/decrypt the database.

import {open} from '@op-engineering/op-sqlite'

export const db = open({
  name: 'myDb.sqlite',
  encryptionKey: 'YOUR ENCRYPTION KEY, KEEP IT SOMEWHERE SAFE' // for example op-s2

If you want to read more about securely storing your encryption key, read this article. Also, DO NOT OPEN MORE THAN ONE CONNECTION PER DATABASE. Just export one single db connection for your entire application and re-use it everywhere.


Base query operation. In runs in a separate so be careful with race conditions. It’s recommended to ALWAYS use transactions.

import { open } from '@op-engineering/op-sqlite';

try {
  const db = open({ name: 'myDb.sqlite' });

  let { rows } = await db.execute('SELECT somevalue FROM sometable');

  // _array internally holds the values, this is meant to comply with the webSQL spec
  rows._array.forEach((row) => {
} catch (e) {
  console.error('Something went wrong executing SQL commands:', e.message);

Execute with Host Objects

It’s possible to return HostObjects when using a query. The benefit is that HostObjects are only created in C++ and only when you try to access a value inside of them a C++ scalar → JS scalar conversion happens. This means creation is fast, property access is slow. The use case is clear if you are returning massive amount of objects but only displaying/accessing a few of them at the time.

The example of querying 300k objects from a database uses this api. Just be careful with all the gotchas of HostObjects (no spread, no logging, etc.)

await db.executeWithHostObjects('select * from USERS');

Multiple Statements

You can execute multiple statements in a single operation. The API however is not really thought for this use case and the results (and their metadata) will be mangled, so you can discard it.

// The result of this query will all be all mixed, no point in trying to read it
await db.execute(


Throwing an error inside the callback will ROLLBACK the transaction.

If you want to execute a large set of commands as fast as possible you should use the executeBatch method, it wraps all the commands in a transaction for you and has less overhead.

await db.transaction((tx) => {
  const { status } = await tx.execute(
    'UPDATE sometable SET somecolumn = ? where somekey = ?',
    [0, 1]

  // Any uncatched error ROLLBACK transaction
  throw new Error('Random Error!');

  // You can manually commit or rollback
	await tx.commit();
  // or
  await tx.rollback();


Batch execution allows the transactional execution of a set of commands

const commands = [
  ['CREATE TABLE TEST (id integer)'],
  ['INSERT INTO TEST (id) VALUES (?)', [1]],
  [('INSERT INTO TEST (id) VALUES (?)', [2])],
  [('INSERT INTO TEST (id) VALUES (?)', [[3], [4], [5], [6]])],

const res = await db.executeBatch(commands);

console.log(`Batch affected ${result.rowsAffected} rows`);

In some scenarios, dynamic applications may need to get some metadata information about the returned result set.


Blobs are supported via ArrayBuffer or typed array (UInt8Array, UInt16Array, etc) directly. Here is an example:

db = open({
  name: 'blobs',

await db.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS BlobTable;');
await db.execute(

let binaryData = new Uint8Array(2);
binaryData[0] = 42;

await db.execute(`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO BlobTable VALUES (?, ?, ?);`, [

const result = await db.execute('SELECT content FROM BlobTable');

const finalUint8 = new Uint8Array(result.rows!._array[0].content);

Prepared statements

A lot of the work when executing queries is not iterating through the result set itself but, sometimes, planning the execution. If you have a query which is expensive but you can re-use (even if you have to change the arguments) you can use a prepared statement:

const statement = db.prepareStatement('SELECT * FROM User WHERE name = ?;');

// bind the variables in the order they appear
let results1 = await statement.execute();

let results2 = await statement.execute();

You only pay the price of parsing the query once, and each subsequent execution should be faster.

Raw execution

If you don't care about the keys you can use a simplified execution that will return an array of scalars. This should be a lot faster than the regular operation since objects with the same keys don’t need to be created.

let result = await db.executeRaw('SELECT * FROM Users;');
// result = [[123, 'Katie', ...]]

Attach or Detach other databases

SQLite supports attaching or detaching other database files into your main database connection through an alias. You can do any operation you like on this attached database like JOIN results across tables in different schemas, or update data or objects. These databases can have different configurations, like journal modes, and cache settings.

You can, at any moment, detach a database that you don't need anymore. You don't need to detach an attached database before closing your connection. Closing the main connection will detach any attached databases.

SQLite has a limit for attached databases: A default of 10, and a global max of 125

SQLite docs for Attach - Detach

db.attach('mainDatabase', 'statistics', 'stats', '../databases');

const res = await db.execute(
  'SELECT * FROM some_table_from_mainschema a INNER JOIN stats.some_table b on a.id_column = b.id_column'

// You can detach databases at any moment
db.detach('mainDatabase', 'stats');
if (!detachResult.status) {
  // Database de-attached

Loading SQL Dump Files

If you have a SQL dump file, you can load it directly, with low memory consumption:

const { rowsAffected, commands } = db
  .then((res) => {
    const { rowsAffected, commands } = res;


You can subscribe to changes in your database by using an update hook:

// Bear in mind: rowId is not your table primary key but the internal rowId sqlite uses
// to keep track of the table rows
db.updateHook(({ rowId, table, operation, row = {} }) => {
  console.warn(`Hook has been called, rowId: ${rowId}, ${table}, ${operation}`);
  // Will contain the entire row that changed
  // only on UPDATE and INSERT operations
  console.warn(JSON.stringify(row, null, 2));

db.execute('INSERT INTO "User" (id, name, age, networth) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)', [

Same goes for commit and rollback hooks

// will fire whenever a transaction commits
db.commitHook(() => {
  console.log('Transaction commmitted!');

db.rollbackHook(() => {
  console.log('Transaction rolled back!');

// will fire the commit hook
db.transaction(async (tx) => {
    'INSERT INTO "User" (id, name, age, networth) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)',
    [id, name, age, networth]

// will fire the rollback hook
try {
  await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
    throw new Error('Test Error');
} catch (e) {
  // intentionally left blank

You can pass `null`` to remove hooks at any moment:




Get DB Path

Allows to get the file location on disk. Useful for debugging or attaching the file to bug tickets.

const path = db.getDbPath();

Move assets database

Allows to easily move a database from your app bundled assets to the documents folder. You NEED to move databases before using them. The bundle gets replaced every time an app update happens, so changes will get lost otherwise. On Android the app bundle is zipped so you cannot interact with any database on the bundle.

const copied = await moveAssetsDatabase({
  filename: 'sample2.sqlite',
  path: 'sqlite', // The path inside your assets folder on Android, on iOS the file structure is flat
  overwrite: true, // Always overwrite the database


Loading extensions

You can also load runtime extensions to an open database. First you need compile your extension to the correct architecture. Each extension has different build process, specially nowadays as developers are starting to use Rust to write sqlite extensions, so how to compile each extension is left as an exercise to the reader.

However here are some general guidelines: